Villa & House Rose Bouquet
Villa & House Rose Bouquet
Is there anything more romantic than giving or receiving a bouquet of roses? We think not, and so we've tapped our artisans to masterfully capture that moment in forever-blooming porcelain. Why shouldn’t every day feel like a special occasion? The Rose Bouquet is brought to beautiful realization in fine Blanc de Chine Porcelain, with each gossamer-thin petal lovingly crafted by hand. The strikingly realistic details come together to form a fresh floral arrangement with a velvety matte finish. Its matching vase provides contrast with its soft glossy sheen. An elegantly minimal all-white accent, the Rose Bouquet adds whimsical charm to any shelf or surface in need of ornament.
- Each gossamer-thin petal crafted by hand
- Gloss and matte glazed porcelain
- Matte finish on leaves
- Glossy finish on base
- 6” Dia x 5.5” H
- Porcelain
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